
How to make your WordPress Theme Retina Ready

We are currently adding Retina support for our WordPress Themes, so I thought I’d share how we did it so you can too.

About High Resolution Displays

Retina and high resolution displays in general are like HD TV, pretty soon everyone will have one. Your website will look really bad on a high-res display if you don’t change a few things. How bad? Zoom in to 200% on your website logo or one of your images, that’s exactly what it looks like on a Retina display (but worse because everything else like text is super crisp in comparison).

How to Retinize Your Theme (without a bunch of coding)

A lot of people have already written about how to retinize your theme with a bunch of custom coding. I’m going to take more of a “for dummies” approach here.
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7 Little Known WordPress Features

Whether you’re new to WordPress, or an old pro, there’s some hidden gems in WordPress that you might not be aware of.

1. Easily Embed a Tweet

Did you know you can embed a tweet just by pasting the url into your page editor?

To get the status url of a single tweet, go to and find the tweet you want to embed. Click on the tweet to expand it, then click the “details” link.


Copy the url in your browser, then paste it into your page/post editor.

Twitter Embed
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How Retina is Shaping the Future of Web Design

Retina DisplayI just got a Retina Macbook Pro, and only a few days in it’s clear that this display is the future.

Not just Apple’s display, but ultra high resolution displays in general. It won’t be long before other manufacturers release similar displays, and websites are going to have to adapt quickly.

The problem with the Retina display is similar to that of an HD TV several years ago. Everything that’s Retina compatible is amazingly crisp, but everything that’s not looks even worse than it did before. It’s like watching a non-HD channel on a very good HD TV.

You may have seen a Retina display in the Apple store, or on your iPhone, and maybe you think it looks pretty good. Let me tell you, once you’ve been staring at this thing for a few days, non-Retina screens are almost unreadable. I pop open my old (2008) Macbook Pro and I squint at the blurry text. Even on my iPad 2, which has a fairly hi-res display, the type looks pixelated.

The problem is only going to get worse, because we haven’t yet reached the limits of human vision.

Here’s what needs to change (and quickly) to accomodate our extra pixel friends.
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Logo Design Advice

If you need a professional company logo, here’s some advice that is a little controversial.

I’ve designed around 50 logos over the years, including those for my own businesses (some examples are in the image above). I don’t design logos anymore, and I’m not the world’s best logo designer, but I like to think I know what I’m talking about.

When I designed logos, I usually charged around $1,000. (IMO they were worth it, and that’s on the low end of the “professional logo designer” pricing scale)

Here’s my advice to you: if you just started your business, don’t spend $1,000 on a logo.

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New theme! Lux: a minimalist, photocentric theme for designers of all kinds.

Lux WordPress Theme for Interior Designers

We’re excited to announce Lux, our best theme yet.

It’s perfect for anyone who wants to show off large image portfolios. We had interior designers and service professionals in mind when we made this theme, but it would work great for almost anyone.

The biggest difference in this theme was our approach to color customization. We get a lot of requests in the support forum for color customization, so we decided to make every single color customizable without writing a single line of code!

With the help of the new WordPress theme customizer, you can now use color pickers to change every color in the theme visually.

It’s also extremely easy to show off images from your projects in cool portfolios and sliders. All you have to do is create a new item and upload your images, there’s no difficult options to figure out.

Did I mention everything in Lux is fully responsive for mobile devices?

There’s lots more cool features, check them out along with the demo below…

Lux Theme


Just for fun…

Ugly website? We can help.

Pin it to win it.


Calling all beginner’s, n00bs, and non-techies…

If you are a total beginner, and want to learn how to make a website, we just released an awesome checklist for you.

It’s full of great pictures and non-techie information so you can get a WordPress website online fast.

Head over and check it out here.


How to Customize Your WordPress Theme

We just released the Ultimate WordPress Theme Customization Guide, it’s full of useful tips for customizing any theme.

Here are some of the things included in the guide:

  • Learn how to avoid rookie mistakes
  • How to create and modify a WordPress child theme
  • How to preview CSS changes in your Chrome browser
  • How to edit the style.css and functions.php files
  • How to add/modify theme template files
  • Learn about theme hooks: actions & filters
  • and much more!

It’s free, and it has lots of useful links to other resources.

What are you waiting for, brush up on your WordPress theme customization today!


*Updated Plugin* To Do List

After languishing in the Plugin repository for almost three years the To Do List Plugin has finally been updated! In fact it has been completely rewritten and is now fully compatible with the latest version of WordPress (3.4 at the time of writing).

This major update is pretty much what I had in mind for the original version of the Plugin. So, what’s new?
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*New Plugin* Config Constants

Most people never need to edit the WordPress constants in wp-config.php but if you do then up until now there was no alternative but to edit the file manually.

However, the Config Constants Plugin changes this by allowing you to modify a select set of WordPress constants directly from the WordPress admin!

The Plugin options page looks like this:

You can only modify constants that are already defined in wp-cofig.php so you remain in full control of your configuration file at all times.
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