
Customizing with WordPress Child Themes

If you want to customize your WordPress theme beyond small tweaks, you have to use a child theme.

A child theme is just a folder to keep your changes so you don’t make changes to the original (or parent) theme. The main reason to do this is so that you can update the parent theme without losing any of your customizations.

This subject is covered in a lot of different places, including our theme customization guide, but I wanted to go into more detail here.

Let’s get child themeing!

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How to Reuse the Post Editor in WordPress

If you have been following along with the development of WordPress 3.3 beta you may already be aware of the great new function wp_editor(). It really is a game changer. The WordPress core team deserve a real pat on the back for this one. So what’s all the fuss about?

The problem before WP 3.3 was that if you wanted to reuse the built-in editor, used on posts and pages, you had a real battle on your hands to get it to work. It was just too much hassle for the benefits gained.

In fact, the last time I looked into this I gave up and included the CKEditor JS library instead, as that was really easy to implement. This worked pretty well but not really ideal as the CKEditor library is quite weighty to include with your theme/Plugin.

What I REALLY wanted was be able to use the built-in editor that shipped with WordPress. And now I can! The new wp_editor() function has made the hideously difficult task of re-using the editor ridiculously easy. It’s just so easy now to throw editors at every text area in the WP admin you can shake a stick at, and it will work reliably and consistently every time. How cool is that?

In this post I’ll be creating a simple Plugin and show you how to add two separate instances of the WP editor on the Plugin options page. You will be able to grab the code for the whole Plugin at the end of the post.

But first, please bear with me whilst I go through the motions of setting up the Plugin structure. Don’t worry we’ll get to the good stuff soon enough. With this in mind I’m not going to go through every fine detail of the functions needed to set-up a Plugin. I just want to focus on the reusability of the WP editor.

First, let’s register our settings, as we will be using the WordPress Settings API to handle our Plugin options. The code for this is pretty straightforward.

// Init plugin options to white list our options
function wpet_init(){
	register_setting( 'wpet_plugin_options', 'wpet_options', 'wpet_validate_options' );
add_action('admin_init', 'wpet_init' );

Now we need an admin page for our Plugin. Again, this is standard stuff.

// Add menu page
function wpet_add_options_page() {
	add_options_page('WP Editor Test', 'WP Editor Test', 'manage_options', __FILE__, 'wpet_render_form');
add_action('admin_menu', 'wpet_add_options_page');

This will add a Plugin options page under the Settings top level menu with the title ‘WP Editor Test’. Now for the good part.
We need a function to render the form, but let’s break this down a bit. To start with, the Plugin options form uses the post method, with option.php used for the action attribute. Inside the form tags, and before any form fields are rendered let’s add two lines of code to handle all the Settings API details for us.

$options = get_option('wpet_options');

Now we can render all our form fields safe in the knowledge that the Settings API is looking after us and giving us all the correct values and settings. We just need one Plugin option for now, a simple text area.

<textarea id="wpet_options[textarea_three]" name="wpet_options[textarea_three]" rows="7" cols="150" type='textarea'><?php echo $options['textarea_three']; ?></textarea>

All we need to do now is add a form submit button so all the loading/saving of the text area content will be handled for us! Sweet.

<p class="submit"><input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Changes') ?>" /></p>
OK, so this is all fine and good for bog standard text areas but what about using the funky WP editor as a replacement? This is way easier than you might think. You’re gonna love this.
Simply replace the text area tag above with:
<pre lang="php" line="1">
$args = array("textarea_name" => "wpet_options[textarea_one]");
wp_editor( $options['textarea_one'], "wpet_options[textarea_one]", $args );

Basically, all you need to do is call the wp_editor() function and pass it an ID and some optional arguments. The first parameter is the actual content of the text area which we are pulling from the options db table, via the Settings API. Next we add in the ID of the text area as the second parameter. Finally, the third parameter accepts an array of settings you can use to customise the editor.

In this example we are just specifying one array parameter in $args which sets the name of the text area too. These are both the same in this case so we could have actually left this out altogether, as ‘textarea_name’ defaults to the ID name. I explicitly left it in as it’s a good idea to see what’s happening, on a first exposure.

Note: There is currently no WordPress Codex page for wp_editor() at the time of writing (November, 2011) so you will have to dig around the WordPress core to find out more about the parameters available.

Right, want more editors? You got it. We can easily add another instance of the WP editor. Check this out:

$args = array("textarea_name" => "wpet_options[textarea_two]");
wp_editor( $options['textarea_two'], "wpet_options[textarea_two]", $args );

Just make sure that you change the ID and name parameters to point to a new text area and bingo, we have two separate instances of our editor. That’s almost too easy!

You might have noticed that when we defined the register_setting() function the third parameter was specified as the ‘wpet_validate_options’ callback function. This is a validation function that you can pass your text area content through as it is saved. The callback is defined in the Plugin as:

function wpet_validate_options($input) {
	// Sanitize textarea input (strip html tags, and escape characters)
	//$input['textarea_one'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($input['textarea_one']);
	//$input['textarea_two'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($input['textarea_two']);
	return $input;

I have commented out the lines to validate and strip HTML tags as I want to keep the formatting. This validation function is really useful when you DO want to remove tags from text areas.

The full Plugin code is shown below. Copy it into a text file, save it as wp-editor-test.php, and add to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ folder. Just activate it, and visit the Plugin options page under the Settings menu.

Plugin Name: WP Editor Test
Plugin URI:
Description: Test Plugin to get the WP editor working on a Plugin admin page.
Version: 0.1
Author: David Gwyer
Author URI:
// Init plugin options to white list our options
function wpet_init(){
	register_setting( 'wpet_plugin_options', 'wpet_options', 'wpet_validate_options' );
add_action('admin_init', 'wpet_init' );
// Add menu page
function wpet_add_options_page() {
	add_options_page('WP Editor Test', 'WP Editor Test', 'manage_options', __FILE__, 'wpet_render_form');
add_action('admin_menu', 'wpet_add_options_page');
// Render the Plugin options form
function wpet_render_form() {
	<div class="wrap">
		<div class="icon32" id="icon-options-general"><br></div>
		<h2>WP Editor Test</h2>
		<form method="post" action="options.php">
			<?php settings_fields('wpet_plugin_options'); ?>
			<?php $options = get_option('wpet_options'); ?>
			<table class="form-table">
						<h3>TinyMCE - Editor 1</h3>
							$args = array("textarea_name" => "wpet_options[textarea_one]");
							wp_editor( $options['textarea_one'], "wpet_options[textarea_one]", $args );
						<h3>TinyMCE - Editor 2</h3>
							$args = array("textarea_name" => "wpet_options[textarea_two]");
							wp_editor( $options['textarea_two'], "wpet_options[textarea_two]", $args );
						<h3>Textarea - Editor 3</h3>
						<textarea id="wpet_options[textarea_three]" name="wpet_options[textarea_three]" rows="7" cols="150" type='textarea'><?php echo $options['textarea_three']; ?></textarea>
			<p class="submit">
			<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Changes') ?>" />
// Sanitize and validate input. Accepts an array, return a sanitized array.
function wpet_validate_options($input) {
	// Sanitize textarea input (strip html tags, and escape characters)
	//$input['textarea_one'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($input['textarea_one']);
	//$input['textarea_two'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($input['textarea_two']);
	//$input['textarea_three'] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses($input['textarea_three']);
	return $input;

Note: The code in this post applies to WordPress 3.3 beta 2 which may see some tweaks to the way wp_editor() works before final release. So if you implement any code from this post in your own Plugins then make sure it still works in WP 3.3 final.


Create CSS Icons Using Pseudo-Classes and the Content Property

Displaying icons consistently across your website can be a mind-numbing task.

Using <img> tags is a terrible way to do it, and creating complex CSS with background images is a pain.

Enter the :before pseudo-class. The :before pseudo-class combined with the content property is great for displaying icons like this:

PDF Download
MP3 Download

Or like this:

Title With Icon

A Smaller Title With Icon

Pseudo-classes have been around since CSS1 way back in 1996. The great part about the :before class is that it is supported in all major browsers, IE included! (Just make sure you declare a !DOCTYPE or it won’t work in IE8.)

Getting Started

Step One

Get some icons and upload a few to your images folder. Between 22px and 32px square should work best, depending on your application.

Step Two

Create your html:

<a class="icon pdficon">PDF Download</a>

Using two different classes allows you to write less CSS if you are reusing this across your site.

Step Three

Add your CSS. We’ll apply the global styles using the .icon class, and display the image using the a.pdficon:before class.

You’ll notice the blue box included in the .icon code, you can ignore this if you want. The important part is in the a.pdficon:before styles.

.icon {
display: block;
padding: 5px 8px;
background: #e6effa;
border: 1px solid #bdd0e8;
border-radius: 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;

.icon:hover {
background: #f4f8fd;

a.pdficon:before {
content: url(images/pdf-22.png);
display: block;
float: left;
margin-right: 5px;
position: relative;
bottom: 2px;

That’s it! Just change the a.pdficon:before class to something else to display a different image. For example, the code for the MP3 download above is:

a.mp3icon:before {
content: url(images/itunes.png);
display: block;
float: left;
margin-right: 5px;
position: relative;
bottom: 2px;

Notice the relative positioning – this is not always necessary, it just depends on how your icon is lining up.

Titles with Icons

The titles are the same concept, just slightly different code. Here’s the HTML from the larger title above:

<h2 class="widgeticon">Title With Icon</h2>

Here’s the CSS:

h2.widgeticon:before {
content: url(images/help-32.png);
display: block;
float: left;
margin-right: 5px;

Now go get cracking!


FitPro 2.1 Released!

A new version of FitPro is now available that has some bug fixes, new features, and is fully compatible with WordPress 3.2.1. To download the latest version simply login to your Press Coders control panel and download the zip file from there.

To help you upgrade with the minimum of fuss you can also find an upgrade document (pdf) in the FitPro forum, at the top as a sticky thread.

Some of the new features include:

  • A ‘Reset Options’ button so you can revert your theme options to the defaults at any time.
  • A custom styles text box where you can enter your CSS commands directly, to have fine grained control over your site.
  • Info box widget now has an optional search field too.
  • The Sidebar Commander feature has moved from theme options to the Appearance->Widgets page.

If you are new to FitPro and haven’t tried it out yet, why not take the live demo for a spin and see what you think of it? Click the image above to go directly to the live demo where you can see try out all the great features of FitPro first hand.

Alternatively, you can find out why we think FitPro is such a great theme so click here to see all the juicy details!


Announcing FitPro 2.0: This is BIG!

Dozens of new features, optimized code framework, same great price.

FitPro 2.0 is much more than a shiny coat of paint, we optimized about 90% of the code, and added dozens of new features. So what’s new? Let me give you a taster..
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Theme Admin Options Demo!

I’m pleased to announce that from today we now have the facility to allow customers to try out full versions of any of our themes prior to purchase, including the theme options admin area!

This means you can log in as an administrator and play around with all the theme option goodies and test the theme features in full. If you are interested in applying just use our contact form and include a user name, e-mail and preferred site title.

Once we receive your demo request and process it you will then have your very own test site created and account set-up. The log in details will be e-mailed to you (so make sure you include the correct e-mail address)! You will then be able to access the front end of your test demo site, and also log in to the admin area.

This is a great step forward for us, and I hope you agree, as usually you get the standard live theme demo of the front end, and only get videos, screen shots etc. of the theme admin options. Well, now you can get your hands on the theme options directly too! This way you get a good feel for how flexible and feature rich our theme options are!

So, want to experiment with FitPro Platinum? Well, contact us right now to take it for a test drive!


New Arrival at!

Scott BolingerI’m super excited to announce the arrival of Scott Bolinger at Scott is a well known and very respected graphics designer, and he’s joined PressCoders full-time as co-lead theme developer. With Scott’s top notch web design and graphics talent you can expect to see some great new theme designs over the coming year.

In fact, our debut theme FitPro is designed from the ground up by Scott and myself and gives you a clear example of his ace design talents (and my coding expertise!).

Scott has many years experience in the website and graphics design industry. He has developed numerous bespoke web design solutions for major companies and individuals alike. Similar to myself, Scott understands that WordPress is an extremely powerful and flexible website platform and he has joined to help us develop the next generation of WordPress themes!

Welcome aboard Scott!


Our Recent Activity

Just an update on our recent activity. As someone pointed out to me just yesterday the blogs have been fairly quiet since May. Well true, but this certainly does not mean that we have been idle, far from it!
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Simple Sitemap Plugin

We are pleased to announce a new plugin in development which should be ready for testing next sometime next week, with a release into the repository soon after. This plugin adds a global sitemap to your WordPress website so that users can easily see all of your content (posts/pages) on a single page. Simply add a Shortcode to a new page (or post), click publish and you have an instant sitemap! Read More


Category Plugin Idea

After reassigning enough posts to categories lately (on several different blogs!) I had an idea for a plugin to speed things up. Say you have a load of posts that you quickly need to make sure are assigned to a category, it is pretty tedious to have to cycle through all the posts and check that each post you are interested in is assigned properly. You can’t speed things up by filtering by category as this would not show the posts that aren’t included – which is what you are checking for in the first place! Darn.. Read More