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Designfolio WordPress Theme

Designfolio: a fully responsive WordPress theme

With well over 120,000 downloads Designfolio is our most popular theme. Click here to find out what you're missing!

Customer Testimonials

I truly appreciate your patience with me the last few months. I'm definitely someone who is not super tech oriented (perhaps a generational thing, I'm 52 years old so I'm later to the cyber-dance than the young-ins in the fitness industry) :)

Also, I appreciate all the help you gave me when setting my website up, I am really happy with the FitPro website and I can't believe how amazing it is (especially for such a low, one time only cost).


Scott Fishkind

IMPACT Cool Springs

Awesome Scott! Everything looks and works great!


Ted Ryce

Ryce Fitness

WordPress Themes

Our Current WordPress Themes

  • Designfolio

    A responsive portfolio theme so good we used it on our own site!
  • CoachPro

    The perfect theme for your coaching or personal development business.
  • Façade

    A modern responsive theme with full color customization options.
  • FitPro

    The #1 WordPress theme for fitness professionals.
  • FitX

    A flashy theme to make your health or fitness business come alive!
  • Curo

    A beautiful theme for Medical Professionals and more.
  • Lux

    A minimalist, photo-centric, highly customizable portfolio theme.